Having issues?
If you are experiencing any problems with the bot or don't understand anything below, feel free to use the #bot-help channel in our support server to get the help you need!
View Filtered Phrases: bc:phrases view
Add to Filter: bc:phrases add <phrases>
Remove from Filter: bc:phrases remove <phrases>
View Whitelisted Phrases: bc:phrases whitelist view
Add to Whitelist: bc:phrases whitelist add <phrases>
Remove from Whitelist: bc:phrases whitelist remove <phrases>
By default, there are no phrases in your server's filter. This means that you will need to add inappropriate phrases using the commands shown, to best suit your server's needs.
Phrases can be given individually, as a comma-separated list, as a JSON file or as a text file.
Example: bc:phrases add frick, heck
If you have found phrases that are being returned as false positives, such as "cocktail", you can add the phrase to the whitelist for it to be ignored.
Toggle Whitelist: bc:links whitelist on/off
Add to Whitelist: bc:links whitelist add <links>
Add to Blacklist: bc:links blacklist add <links>
Remove from Whitelist: bc:links whitelist remove <links>
Remove from Blacklist: bc:links blacklist remove <links>
Toggle Discord Invites: bc:links discord allow/block
Turning on the whitelist will censor all links other than the links you have added to your whitelist. If turned off, only links in your blacklist will be censored.
Links can be given individually, as a comma-separated list, as a JSON file or as a text file.
Example: bc:links whitelist add google.com, https://www.twitter.com/, http://scf.cx
If blocked, any messages that contain Discord server invites will be filtered. In addition to blocking the relevant Discord links, the bot will also look for server invite codes.
Example: "Hey guys, please join my server: ZmTSqzt"
Toggle Embed Filtering: bc:embeds on/off
Enabled by default, this feature will check for filtered phrases in embeds and remove the message if found.
If message replacing is enabled, the links and embed will be removed from the replacement.
Toggle Nickname Filtering: bc:nicknames on/off
Unicode Permissions: bc:nicknames unicode allow/block
Enabled by default, this feature will check for filtered phrases in users' nicknames and give them their previous nickname if applicable, or simply censor the content that's in the filter.
If unicode permissions are blocked, the user will be unable to set their nickname to any characters that aren't in the standard ASCII table.
Toggle Bypass Detection: bc:bypass on/off
Enabled by default, this feature can identify attempted bypass attempts including fancy unicode text, zalgo, words split across messages and much more.
Low Strictness: bc:strictness low
Medium Strictness: bc:strictness medium
High Strictness: bc:strictness high
Low strictness checks for exact matches that are separated into individual words. While this strictness level can be easier to bypass, false positives will be much less likely.
Enabled by default, medium strictness checks whether each word contains a filtered phrase. This can be prone to false positives such as "cocktail", but can be solved with a phrase whitelist.
High strictness ignores spaces and checks messages for any potential matches against the filter. While this makes bypassing more difficult, there may be more false positives such as "cow order"
View Ignore List: bc:ignore view
Add to Ignore List: bc:ignore add <role-or-channel>
Remove from Ignore List: bc:ignore remove <role-or-channel>
Ignoring a role or channel prevents the bot from listening for messages from certain users with a role, or messages that are posted in a specific channel.
Roles are accepted a comma-separated list and can either be formatted as the role name, role ID or mention.
Example: bc:ignore add moderator, 1234567890123456, @Moderator
Channels are accepted a comma-separated list and can either be formatted as the channel name, channel ID or channel tag.
Example: bc:ignore add general, 1234567890123456, #general
Toggle Message Replacements: bc:replace on/off
Set Replacement Character: bc:replace set <character>
When enabled, message replacements will use webhook magic to resend a user's message with the inappropriate content filtered with a set character. (* by default)
The set feature determines which character is used to filter inappropriate phrases and accepts any of the following characters: *, #
Example: bc:replace set *
This feature is temporarily disabled if you are using high filter strictness.